Are you anxious, overwhelmed, depressed? Are you feeling stressed? is your trauma getting worse right now?
Secure video and telephone counselling are currently available. In person counselling is also available.
Counselling Therapy Can Help You:
Feel heard and accepted, meeting you where you’re at.
Integrate mind, body, emotions and spirit through a somatic approach, so you can can experience life from a more authentic, present and connected sense of self.
Gain clarity about your goals and use an action based approach to achieve them.
Develop more compassion for yourself and for others through mindfulness and meditation practices.
Replace negative automatic thoughts by more helpful and positive ones with cognitive behavioral therapy.
Learn to love yourself, overcoming thoughts such as “I’m not worthy”, or “I’m not good enough”.
Elizabeth Morelle, MACP, RCC
Registered as a Clinical Counsellor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors #12137 since 2014
What People Say:
“Wonderful interpersonal skills and is kind and caring with a heart of gold. I would recommend her in a heartbeat.”
Ingrid Kline, Time Out Massage Therapist
“Elizabeth is warm, intelligent and can help turn your life around fast. Each session is productive and specific to your current needs. Having Elizabeth Morelle in your corner is a game changer and I can’t recommend her enough.”
Chris Monroe, The Power of Your AQ, Coach.
“Elizabeth is a skilled practitioner with a lot of training and experience to offer her clients.”
Victoria Pawlowski, Registered Clinical Counsellor
“Elizabeth is a compassionate counselor with a deep understanding of the human body and psyche. Her calm nature and skillful guidance instill trust and confidence in the healing process and lead to lasting results. I highly recommend her.”
Ursula Adams, Bodyworker, The Blooming Mandala
In order to discuss what you might be needing and how I can help, please contact me here for a free consultation. Looking forward to meeting soon!
Available with secure PHIPA/HIPAA compliant video conferencing through or in-person
Free Initial 15 Min Phone or Video Consultation
Find out about my eclectic, holistic and unique approach to psychotherapy and counselling